Olive Branch Lodge
Regular Communication
2nd Monday of the Month
R.W. Gordon L. Forsberg, Jr. - District Deputy Grand Master
Next Fraternal Visits
Joel H. Prouty Lodge - Tuesday, March 11 - 8:00 PM
Solomon's Temple Lodge - Thursday, March 13 - 8:00 PM

24th District Lodge of Instruction
March 27, 2025
Joel H Prouty Lodge
Dinner - 6:00pm - Candidate Instruction 6:35
Meeting - 7:00pm-Speaker-7:15
Author: David S. Brody

24th Masonic District Lodge Meetings
Quinebaug - 1st Monday
Olive Branch - 2nd Monday
Joel H Prouty- 2nd Tuesday
Solomon's Temple 2nd Thursday
Webster - 3rd Monday
Rose of Sharon - 3rd Saturday
Oxford - 4th Monday​​​​​​​

28th Annual Masonic Awareness Scholarship Golf Tournament
May 9, 2025 at Blackstone National Golf Club...Every year Olive Branch Lodge holds a golf tournament to benefit its Masonic Awareness Fund, which allows the Lodge to service the communities of the Blackstone Valley. Since its inception this tournament has raised more than $80,000 in scholarships for graduating seniors moving on to College. Click here to learn more
Olive Branch Lodge will be sponsoring a MYCHIP Event at the Millbury Senior Center on Saturday, April 5, 2025 from 9am-3pm. MYCHIP (Masonic Youth Child Identification Program) has identified more than 300,000 children since its inception in 1988, and it continues to assist families today.
The program provides tools to help law enforcement authorities find and identify a lost or missing child. The Masons of Massachusetts, partnering with the Massachusetts Crime Prevention Officers Association and the Massachusetts Dental Association, donate MYCHIP resources to make this service available to the public. None of the information is copied and all the identifying materials are given to the child's family.

Olive Branch Lodge Brotherhood and Cipher night Tuesdays
Every Tuesday night at at approximately 6:00 pm the brotherhood of Olive Branch Lodge and our friends assemble to break bread and enjoy each others company. At 7:00 pm the officers usually have Degree rehearsal and any candidates in attendance are instructed with their cipher books. It is a great night of fellowship and has become a tradition in our Lodge.

Olive Branch Lodge Annual Fish Fry Fridays, March 7 - April 18
7 Depot St. Douglas, MA
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Pre-orders accepted Thursday prior to Fish Fry.
Each dinner is Take-Out or Eat In and includes:
Half pound of Haddock (Fried or Baked)
Fresh Homemade Fries - Homemade Clam Chowder
Homemade Coleslaw, Tartar Sauce and Lemon. Alternative of Chicken Fingers if desired
Adults $15 and Children $7.50 - Credit/Debit cards accepted
We look forward to serving you!
774-482-4554 to place your order.